Creator |
Zhao Jiang
Creator's Email:
Other Researchers with Dataset Knowledge (with email):
Kaiyu Guan (
Dataset Time Span:
2020 - 2022
File Format:
Comma-separated values (.csv)
TIMESTAMP - ISO timestamp - short format
TA_F_MDS - Air temperature, gapfilled using MDS method
TA_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for TA_F_MDS
TA_F_MDS_NIGHT - Average nighttime TA_F_MDS
TA_F_MDS_NIGHT_SD - Standard deviation for TA_F_MDS_NIGHT
TA_F_MDS_NIGHT_QC - Quality flag for TA_F_MDS_NIGHT
TA_F_MDS_DAY - Average daytime TA_F_MDS
TA_F_MDS_DAY_SD - Standard deviation for TA_F_MDS_DAY
TA_F_MDS_DAY_QC - Quality flag for TA_F_MDS_DAY
TA_ERA - Air temperature, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
TA_ERA_NIGHT - Average nighttime TA_ERA
TA_ERA_NIGHT_SD - Standard deviation for TA_ERA_NIGHT
TA_ERA_DAY - Average daytime TA_ERA
TA_ERA_DAY_SD - Standard deviation for TA_ERA_DAY
TA_F - Air temperature, consolidated from TA_F_MDS and TA_ERA
TA_F_QC - Quality flag for TA_F
TA_F_NIGHT - Average nighttime TA_F
TA_F_NIGHT_SD - Standard deviation for TA_F_NIGHT
TA_F_NIGHT_QC - Quality flag for TA_F_NIGHT
TA_F_DAY - Average daytime TA_F
TA_F_DAY_SD - Standard deviation for TA_F_DAY
TA_F_DAY_QC - Quality flag for TA_F_DAY
SW_IN_F_MDS - Shortwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS (negative values set to zero, e.g., negative values from instrumentation noise)
SW_IN_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for SW_IN_F_MDS
SW_IN_ERA - Shortwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data (negative values set to zero)
SW_IN_F - Shortwave radiation, incoming consolidated from SW_IN_F_MDS and SW_IN_ERA (negative values set to zero)
SW_IN_F_QC - Quality flag for SW_IN_F
LW_IN_F_MDS - Longwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS
LW_IN_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for LW_IN_F_MDS
LW_IN_ERA - Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
LW_IN_F - Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_F_MDS and LW_IN_ERA
LW_IN_F_QC - Quality flag for LW_IN_F
LW_IN_JSB - Longwave radiation, incoming, calculated from TA_F_MDS, SW_IN_F_MDS, VPD_F_MDS and SW_IN_POT using the JSBACH algorithm (Sonke Zaehle)
LW_IN_JSB_QC - Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB
LW_IN_JSB_ERA - Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using site level LW_IN_JSB calculated from measured only drivers
LW_IN_JSB_F - Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_JSB and LW_IN_JSB_ERA
LW_IN_JSB_F_QC - Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB_F
VPD_F_MDS - Vapor Pressure Deficit, gapfilled using MDS
VPD_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for VPD_F_MDS
VPD_ERA - Vapor Pressure Deficit, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
VPD_F - Vapor Pressure Deficit consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_ERA
VPD_F_QC - Quality flag for VPD_F
PA_ERA - Atmospheric pressure, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
PA_F - Atmospheric pressure consolidated from PA and PA_ERA
PA_F_QC - Quality flag for PA_F
P_ERA - Precipitation, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
P_F - Precipitation consolidated from P and P_ERA
P_F_QC - Quality flag for P_F
WS_ERA - Wind speed, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data
WS_F - Wind speed, consolidated from WS and WS_ERA
WS_F_QC - Quality flag of WS_F
USTAR - Friction velocity
USTAR_QC - Quality flag of USTAR
NETRAD - Net radiation
NETRAD_QC - Quality flag of NETRAD
CO2_F_MDS - CO2 mole fraction, gapfilled with MDS
CO2_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for CO2_F_MDS
G_F_MDS - Soil heat flux
G_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag of G_F_MDS
LE_F_MDS - Latent heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method
LE_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for LE_F_MDS, LE_CORR, LE_CORR25, and LE_CORR75.
LE_CORR - Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor
LE_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of LE, from measured only data
H_F_MDS - Sensible heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method
H_F_MDS_QC - Quality flag for H_F_MDS, H_CORR, H_CORR25, and H_CORR75.
H_CORR - Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor
H_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of H, from measured only data
EBC_CF_N - Number of data points used to calculate energy closure balance correction factor. Driver data points within sliding window (ECB_CF Method 1) or number of ECB_CF data points (for ECB_CF Methods 2 and 3)
EBC_CF_METHOD - Method used to calculate the energy balance closure correction factor
NIGHT_RANDUNC_N - Number of half hours classified as nighttime and used to calculate the aggregated random uncertainty
DAY_RANDUNC_N - Number of half hours classified as daytime and used to calculate the aggregated random uncertainty
NEE_VUT_REF - Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation
NEE_VUT_REF_QC - Quality flag for NEE_VUT_REF
NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_REF, from measured only data
NEE_VUT_REF_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
NEE_VUT_USTAR50 - Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC - Quality flag for NEE_VUT_USTAR50
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, from measured only data
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
NEE_VUT_MEAN - Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, average from 40 NEE_VUT_XX versions
NEE_VUT_MEAN_QC - Quality flag for NEE_VUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data
NEE_VUT_SE - Standard Error for NEE_VUT, calculated as SD(NEE_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)
NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT - Average nighttime NEE, from NEE_VUT_REF
NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT_SD - Standard Deviation of the nighttime NEE, from the NEE_VUT_REF
NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT, from the random uncertainty of the single nighttime half-hours
NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF_NIGHT, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
NEE_VUT_REF_DAY - Average daytime NEE, from NEE_VUT_REF
NEE_VUT_REF_DAY_SD - Standard Deviation of the daytime NEE, from the NEE_VUT_REF
NEE_VUT_REF_DAY_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF_DAY, from the random uncertainty of the single daytime half-hours
NEE_VUT_REF_DAY_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF_DAY, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT - Average nighttime NEE, from NEE_VUT_USTAR50
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT_SD - Standard Deviation of the nighttime NEE, from the NEE_VUT_USTAR50
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT, from the random uncertainty of the single nighttime half-hours
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50_NIGHT, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY - Average daytime NEE, from NEE_VUT_USTAR50
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY_SD - Standard Deviation of the daytime NEE, from the NEE_VUT_USTAR50
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY_RANDUNC - Random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY, from the random uncertainty of the single daytime half-hours
NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY_JOINTUNC - Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50_DAY, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty
RECO_NT_VUT_REF - Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation
RECO_NT_VUT_USTAR50 - Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50
RECO_NT_VUT_MEAN - Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version
RECO_NT_VUT_SE - Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40))
GPP_NT_VUT_REF - Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation
GPP_NT_VUT_USTAR50 - Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50
GPP_NT_VUT_MEAN - Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version
GPP_NT_VUT_SE - Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40))
RECO_DT_VUT_REF - Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation
RECO_DT_VUT_USTAR50 - Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50
RECO_DT_VUT_MEAN - Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version
RECO_DT_VUT_SE - Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40))
GPP_DT_VUT_REF - Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation
GPP_DT_VUT_USTAR50 - Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50
GPP_DT_VUT_MEAN - Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version
GPP_DT_VUT_SE - Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40))
RECO_SR - Ecosystem Respiration, from Sundown Respiration partitioning method
RECO_SR_N - Fraction between 0-1, indicating the percentage of data avaiable in the averaging period to parametrize the respiration model
Temporal Resolution:
half-hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
Spatial Resolution:
Field level
Added by
Vismayak Mohanarajan
on Sep 1, 2023